You've gotta be joking

I have a group presentation tomorrow in my American Lit. class over the first section of the book. My teacher gave us no guidelines or instructions other than, "give a presentation, but don't be boring about it." So, we began working on it tonight.

I went to Drew's room to get my book, which I had left there the night before, because I hadn't actually read anything in the first section. I walked in, looked at Aaron, and said, "Have you seen an American Literature book anywhere?"

Aaron says, "That was your book??"

Me: "Yes."

Aaron (bursting into laughter): "Drew sold it to the bookstore"

Me: "Shut the hell up and give me my book. .... No.... No... There's no way."

Aaron (still laughing): "He found it on the floor today, asked if it was mine, then said, 'Well, it must be mine, so I'm going to go sell it back to the bookstore and get some cash.'"

Me: "You're joking."

Later, Drew told me he found it under the bed, and thought that if it wasn't his, it must have been the person's who had lived there the year before, laying unnoticed at the edge of the bed for nine months.

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