no fireplace of your own?

I was flipping through the channels a few minutes ago, when I came upon a holiday tradition in Longview. On the WB, starting at some point in time during the night of Christmas Eve and going through Christmas morning, there is a live broadcast of "The Christmas Hearth."

You might be wondering, "Travis, what's the Christmas Hearth? Tell us more!" Well, I think I will do just that, children. You see, "The Christmas Hearth" is a live video of the hearth in someone's home. The hearth being the fireplace and that general area. On this live feed, you get to watch as a fire crackles, stockings hang from large iron letters that spell out "N-O-E-L." Someone has carefully decorated the mantle about the fireplace and there are other small decorations around the fireplace. Different Christmas carols are played in the background, but there's only so many, and they're annoying anyway.

"Is that it, Travis? Surely there's more?"

No, there's not more. That's it. For around 12 hours, that is all that is shown on this channel. I guess it's for all those people who don't have a fireplace, but do own a big-ass TV. They can just pretend that someone's going to fill up their non-existant stockings and warm themselves by getting extra close to the TV staring at a fire that really does flicker throughout the room, but only if you turn off all the other lights in your apartment.

I'm not really surprised. For the entire summer there was a live feed on channel 27 of space. No, nothing particular in space like an asteroid or a planet or a star. Just a camera mounted on a space station, that looked past the earth out into space. That is all that was on this channel for the entire summer. Non-stop.

I have to get out of Longview before it sucks me in like a black hole from which I can never escape. And on that note, merry Christmas.

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